Snowflake ~ Just For Fun #4
Cold and ominous the sky! I wonder, is a snowstorm nigh?
I don't mind if there might be a MILLION snowflakes soon to see.
Watching thru my window pane, the drifting flakes, their lilting strain,
every crystal being unique, I sit, entranced, at such mystique!
© 2010 Karen Beukema

Spumoni ~ Just For Fun #3
Italian spumoni or eggnog supreme, with touches of sweet frilly froths of whipped cream;
a Christmas tradition for young and the old, delightfully flavored, exquisitely cold.
Enamored with pink and the white of the snow, I dress like a dish of spumoni, I know;
how fun to be young when the art of my eye, means more than the glances of some passerby!
© 2009 Karen Beukema
(Designer Blend ~ Pants adapted from Adams-Harris "Double Trouble")
Fair Bloom ~ Just For Fun #2
Beneath the sun how dost thou fare with blooming beauty, fresh and fair!
Thy face beneath a flowered brim, and figure soft in ruffled whim.
Where Spring hath sprung amid the dearth of winter past and barren earth,
thy footsteps leave a delicate print, amid thy skirts, a gleaming glint;
like daffodils upon the hill, as petals blooming frill by frill,
and breezes rustling in the grass, thy quiet beauty none surpass.
© 2009 Karen Beukema
(Designer Blend ~ Pants & blouse adapted from Adams-Harris "Double Trouble" & "Uptown Girl")
Shabby Chic ~ Just For Fun #1
Shabby chic, I may well be, for lots of things appeal to me.
Some vintage lace, embroidery, in colors soft and cottony.
No haute couture, no brand new fare, just olden linens I can wear.
I have such fun in clothes like these, soft 'whispers' of a gentle breeze.
© 2009 Karen Beukema